[英-英] Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher 相关搜索: Vocabulary, Teacher, Gerry 本帖最后由 luopeng0001 于 2010-1-18 21:25 编辑 ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Gerry''s Vocabulary Teacher 英文正式版(英語單詞學習軟體) 转自巴比伦,对于英语学习者词性的互换很有帮助。对于英语教师出填空题极为便利。 內容說明: 一款英語單詞學習軟體,它提供了一系列關鍵詞,而每個單詞都有多條例句,以幫助學習 者理解如何使用它。此外,還可以查找和修改例句。學習者還可以根據自己的實際情況添 加新的關鍵詞和例句 英文說明: Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher is a superb new program for teaching and learning language through exposure to vocabulary in context. It provides a list of keywords, each of which is linked to a number of sentences which illustrate how the word is used. The user can search and edit these sentences, and add more keywords or sentences of their own. And with a couple of mouse-clicks, users can choose a sequence of sentences, and build them into a complete language exercise. The program comes complete with an enormous database of English language usage - more than 50,000 sentences illustrating over 2,500 keywords, assembled by Gerry for his own teaching over several years. It is an excellent resource for teachers and students - teachers can use it to create illustrations and exercises around English words, and students can use it to test and improve their word-power. Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher is a Windows program which allows the user to... * quickly and easily select a sequence of sentences for use as an exercise; * export such a sequence, with an option for gap-fill, as a Rich-Text (RTF) exercise for printing or importing into a word-processor; * export an exercise in Hot Potatoes JMatch or JCloze formats, so that it can be made into an interactive web-page exercise, and used for distance-learning; * add, edit and search keywords and sentences in Gerry's database; * create entirely new databases, for example for different languages; * import material into databases (including the one used in the program) from text-files, or from other databases.